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Coach-Pitch & Tee-Ball Guides:


NEW OPTION FOR 2025: Players at the youngest levels of Little League Baseball and Softball (League Ages 4-7) now have the ability to register for any Little League they choose, without respect to any geography- or school-related eligibility requirements. Players who register under this option will be fully eligible to participate in all aspects of league play, including All-Stars, for the duration of their Little League careers provided they have continuous and unbroken participation with the specific league where they initially registered and provided all other participation eligibility requirements have been met.

All other players League Age 8-16 will continue to utilize the current boundary requirement based on residency or school enrollment. For more information on league eligibility requirements, please visit Establishing Player Eligibility in a Local Little League.

Tee-Ball Division

Players age 4 through 6 (where age is measured as of August 31st after the Spring season)

Northwest Seattle Little League (NWSLL) Tee-Ball is a fun instructional league for both boys and girls.  We host all practices and most games at the Crown Hill Field off Holman Road (across from Dick’s Drive In).  Crown Hill Field is our prized 45’ diamond that is perfect for our younger players!

The season starts in mid-April and lasts 8-9 weeks until mid-June.
  • One weekday practice per week (1 hour; starts at either 5pm or 6pm) and one Saturday game per week (50-60 minutes; start times will vary between 10:00 and 4:00)
  • Entire lineup bats each inning in games
  • Fielders rotate between fielding positions
  • Batting tee is used
  • Safety ball is used (much softer than normal hardball)
  • Families can submit teammate or coach requests at time of registration, and NWSLL is able to honor all requests
  • No scorekeeping, standings, player drafts, playoffs, or All-Stars

Coach-Pitch Baseball (A Baseball) Division

Players age 6 through 8 (where age is measured as of August 31st after the Spring season)

Northwest Seattle Little League (NWSLL) Coach-Pitch Baseball is a fun instructional league for both boys and girls in Grades K-2 (Note: Kindergarten players brand new to ball often play Tee-Ball first and 30-40% of 2nd-grade players who are more advanced in skills play AA Baseball (hybrid Kid/Coach-Pitch)).

We host all practices and all games at the Crown Hill Field off Holman Road (across from Dick’s Drive In).  Crown Hill Field is our prized 45’ diamond that is perfect for our younger players!

The season starts in mid-April and lasts 8-9 weeks until mid-June.
  • One weekday practice per week (1 hour; starts at either 5pm or 6pm) and one Saturday game per week (60-70 minutes; start times will vary between 9:00 and 5:15)
  • Entire lineup bats each inning in games
  • Fielders rotate between fielding positions
  • Coaches pitch to batters, but a batting tee is used as backup to keep play moving when necessary
  • Adults play the catcher position
  • Safety ball is used (softer than normal hardball)
  • Families can submit teammate or coach requests at time of registration, and NWSLL is able to honor all requests
  • No scorekeeping, standings, player drafts, playoffs, or All-Stars

Coach-Pitch Softball (A Softball) Division

Players age 6 through 8 (where age is measured as of August 31st after the Spring season)

Northwest Seattle Little League (NWSLL) Coach-Pitch Softball is much the same as Coach-Pitch Baseball above, but coaches begin to introduce the larger ball used in Softball.  Coach-Pitch Softball teams will play a schedule where they play each other more often (and use a Softball), but they also play games against Coach-Pitch Baseball teams (and use a Baseball).

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