NWSLL Code of Conduct
Parents, players and coaches are required to follow the code of conduct of the Northwest Seattle Little League (NWSLL). Players or parents who violate these rules may be disciplined at the game (told to leave) and/or required to appear before the NWSLL board. Violations may result in a variety of consequences, including player suspension and parental bans. Coaches are responsible for their players’ actions. Coaches are also expected to control the parents of their players. Disruptive parents who do not follow coaches’ instructions may be asked to leave by the umpire.
Code of Conduct for Players
1. Learn and observe the rules of Little League baseball.
2. Treat other players as you wish to be treated - do not abuse or ridicule other players, officials, coaches or spectators. Control your play and discipline yourself. Do not play wildly and jeopardize your safety or that of other players. Hold your temper and control your anger. Play clean and fair. Use your skill and talent. Don’t cheat.
3. Listen to your coaches and accept their advice with respect.
4. Respect umpires - do not question their decisions.
5. Win with grace and lose with dignity. You, your team, and your league will be judged by your behavior.
Code of Conduct for Parents/Guardians
1. Always be supportive of your child, their teammates and coaches. Remember that every player on the team is a contributing player. Spread your encouragement equitably amongst the team.
2. Never badger the opposition or argue with their supporters. Be appreciative of good play from both sides.
3. Never harass or badger the umpires.
4. After each game, have a positive attitude and show an appreciation for the importance of your child’s effort. Remember that playing the game well is more important than winning.
5. Support the team and league by volunteering your services when needed. The only reason your child can play baseball is because of volunteers.
Code of Conduct for Coaches
All Coaches shall therefore resolve to conduct themselves with dignity as a citizen of the community, recognizing and accepting that they shall:
1. Set an example of the highest ethical and moral conduct in all personal contact with athletes, umpires, parents/guardians, spectators, and the public.
2. Avoid the use of alcohol and tobacco products when in contact with Athletes.
3. Follow the rules of Little League baseball.
4. Not seek an advantage by circumvention of the spirit or letter of the rules;
5. Not exert an influence to enhance unsportsmanlike conduct by spectators or others, or to indulge in conduct which would incite players or spectators against the officials.
6. Respect and support the decision of the umpires.
7. Meet and exchange cordial greetings with the opposing coach to set the correct tone for the event before and after every game.
Enforcement Action:
The NWSLL board shall take whatever measures necessary to enforce this Code of Conduct, up to and including any of the following actions:
1. Removal of a Player from the league due to his or her failure to comply with this Code of Conduct;
2. Removal of a Player from the league due to the failure of his or her Parent/Guardian to comply with this Code of Conduct; or
3. Dismissal of a Coach from the league due to his or her failure to comply with this Code of Conduct.