Previous season details below:

Each year Northwest Seattle Little League sponsors several teams of selected players to participate in the Little League District 8 Tournament. The age groups are as follows: 9/10-year-olds (AAA), 11/12-year-olds (Majors), and 10/11-year-olds (Majors/AAA)

Being invited to participate in All-Stars should be considered an honor and a privilege, as these teams will represent our league in the District (and possibly State) tournaments. We welcome any player interested to apply for consideration.


2017 All-Stars Timeline

May 8th – Distribute All-Stars Player Application to all league Players

May 8th – Distribute All-Stars Manager/Coach “Opt-In” application

May 23rd – Deadline for return of Player Applications and Manager/Coach “Opt-In” applications

May 30th – Select All-Stars Managers; All-Stars Managers select their Coaches

June 1st-3rd – Ballots are distributed to Players, Managers, and Coaches and collected by the 3rd

June 4th – All-Stars Workouts

June 4th-5th – All-Stars team selection meetings

June 6th-7th – Selected Players are contacted

June 8th – All-Stars teams are announced and Players no longer in NW Playoffs can start practices

June 10th – NWSLL Championship Games and Year-End Picnic


2017 D8 All-Stars Tournament Dates

  • 8/10 Baseball (Host is NW/RUG; location is Hamlin in Shoreline) – June 24th thru July 3rd
  • 9/11 Baseball (Host is Woodinville) – June 24th thru July 3rd
  • Majors Baseball (Host is North Central; location is Lower Woodland) – June 30th thru July 10th


  • All-Stars practices will take place 5-6 days per week (for about 2 hours per practice) until the District 8 tournaments begin. Tournament start dates differ by division.
  • Any team winning the District Championship will represent District 8 at the State tournament (which starts in mid to late-July and can run until the end of July or early August.)


Application and Selection for All Stars

The start of the process to select the All-Stars teams is to notify all players and families of the All-Stars program and then request that each interested player “opt in” for consideration by filling out the NWSLL All-Stars Player Application.

Any interested player should complete the application (signed by both player and parent/guardian) and turn it in to his team coach by Sunday, May 21st.  Alternatively, you can scan and email a copy to [email protected] by Tuesday, May 23rd, at 9:00 PM.

If for some reason you cannot complete the application by the 23rd, please send an email with the estimated date you will provide it.  This information will help with planning the selection process.

If you have any questions, please send me an email at: [email protected]

Thanks for your interest, and good luck in your remaining games!


Grant Lindberg

Executive VP, NW Seattle Little League

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